Benchmark Networks



Each section of the website (e.g., Benchmark Networks, Climate Change, Caribou) consists of multiple tabs:

Instructions: This section.

Attributes: Description of datasets depicted in the Map view and attributes listed in the Table view.

Map view: The Map View tab includes ecoregion (black outline) and HUC8/FDA (blue outline) boundaries, existing protected areas, and top ranked benchmark networks. In addition, depending on the section, a number of raster layers (described in Attributes tab) are also included representing biophysical attributes, climate change, or focal species. In the case of transboundary ecoregions, the coverage of some focal species datasets may be restricted to one country or province.

Table view: Depending on the section, the Table view tab provides a tabular summary of each network in terms of i) benchmark properties, ii) climate change attributes, or iii) focal species attributes (area and ranks).

Note 1: The order of networks in the Map and Table views are linked but vary by section depending on the “rank” column in the Table view.

Note 2: All rasters displayed in the maps have been resampled to a coarser resolution to facilitate online viewing.

*This website is best viewed with a minimum 1920x1080 screen resolution.


Area and representation characteristics of the top benchmark networks. The networks differ in area due to variable overlap of benchmarks within networks and/or the inclusion of a protected area benchmark that exceeds the MDR in size. All networks achieved MDR-based representation targets for CMI, LED, GPP, and land cover, but representation varied amongst networks when evaluated using dissimilarity metrics (DMs). A DM is calculated by comparing the distribution of values in a benchmark network to its distribution in the ecoregion. DMs range from 0 to 1, with values closer to 0 indicating better representation. View full report

Map View - Rasters:
  • CMI - Climate Moisture Index (cm water/yr) is a measure of water deficit (or surplus) in soil based on yearly average precipitation minus yearly potential evapotranspiration (Wang et al. 2016).
  • GPP - Mean annual Gross Primary Productivity (GPP 2000-2014) is a measure of carbon absorbed by living plants or the amount of carbon absorbed during photosynthesis (kg C/m2/year; Zhao and Running 2010).
  • LED - Lake-Edge Density (LED) characterizes the density of riparian habitat in km/km2 (BEACONs 2015).
  • NACC2010 - North American Land Cover 2010 (CEC 2013) is based on 250-m MODIS satellite imagery and comprised of 19 cover types including forests, shrublands, grasslands, lichen, moss, wetlands, and non-vegetated areas (barrenland, cropland, water, snow and ice).
Table View - Attributes:
  • Net ID - Top networks ordered by Overall Rank.
  • Area (km2, mi2) - Area of network in km2, mi2.
  • CMI DM - Representation of CMI using Kolmogorov-Smirnov dissimilarity metric; DM ranges from 0 to 1, with values closer to 0 indicating better representation.
  • GPP DM - Representation of GPP using Kolmogorov-Smirnov dissimilarity metric; DM ranges from 0 to 1, with values closer to 0 indicating better representation.
  • LED DM - Representation of LED using Kolmogorov-Smirnov dissimilarity metric; DM ranges from 0 to 1, with values closer to 0 indicating better representation.
  • NALC2010 DM - Representation of landcover using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity metric; DM ranges from 0 to 1, with values closer to 0 indicating better representation.
  • BP rank - Network rank based on benchmark properties (e.g., upstream area) - see ecoregion reports for details on BP rank.
  • CC rank - Network rank based on climate change datasets.
  • FS rank - Network rank based on focal species datasets.
  • Overall rank - Network rank based on overall mean weighted rank.


Map view

Table view

Climate Change



Each section of the website (e.g., Benchmark Networks, Climate Change, Caribou) consists of multiple tabs:

Instructions: This section.

Attributes: Description of datasets depicted in the Map view and attributes listed in the Table view.

Map view: The Map View tab includes ecoregion (black outline) and HUC8/FDA (blue outline) boundaries, existing protected areas, and top ranked benchmark networks. In addition, depending on the section, a number of raster layers (described in Attributes tab) are also included representing biophysical attributes, climate change, or focal species. In the case of transboundary ecoregions, the coverage of some focal species datasets may be restricted to one country or province.

Table view: Depending on the section, the Table view tab provides a tabular summary of each network in terms of i) benchmark properties, ii) climate change attributes, or iii) focal species attributes (area and ranks).

Note 1: The order of networks in the Map and Table views are linked but vary by section depending on the “rank” column in the Table view.

Note 2: All rasters displayed in the maps have been resampled to a coarser resolution to facilitate online viewing.

*This website is best viewed with a minimum 1920x1080 screen resolution.


Benchmark networks were ranked based on their capacity to represent future climatic conditions (temperature and precipitation indicators) and vulnerability to changing climatic conditions (forward and backward velocity). Temperature and Precipitation Indicators were assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) dissimilarity metric (DM), calculated by comparing the distribution of values in a benchmark network to its distribution in the ecoregion. The metric ranges from 0 to 1, with values closer to 0 indicating better representation. Climate Velocities are calculated as the geometric mean of the benchmark network; lower values rank higher. Climate Change Rank is a network-level mean weighted rank across the four climatic measures. View full report.

Map View - Rasters:
  • Temp indicator - Temperature indicator (2041-2070 RCP 8.51) based on PCA of 11 climate variables; values are inversely related to temperature
  • Precip indicator - Precipitation indicator (2041-2070 RCP 8.51) based on PCA of 11 climate variables; values are inversely related to precipitation
  • Fwd velocity - Forward climate velocity (km/yr) based on current climatic conditions (1981-2010) and projected climate for 2041-2070 RCP 8.51 (AdaptWest Project 2015).
  • Bwd velocity - Backward climate velocity based on current climatic conditions (1981-2010) and projected climate for 2041-2070 RCP 8.51 (AdaptWest Project 2015).

1Representative Concentration Pathway with the highest greenhouse gas emissions from IPCC (2014).

Table View - Attributes:
  • Net ID - Top networks ordered by Mean-weighted Rank
  • Area (km2, mi2) - Area of network in km2, mi2.
  • Temperature indicator (KS DM) - Representation of temperature indicator using KS dissimilarity metric; DM ranges from 0 to 1, with values closer to 0 indicating better representation.
  • Precipitation indicator (KS DM) - Representation of precipitation indicator using KS dissimilarity metric; DM ranges from 0 to 1, with values closer to 0 indicating better representation.
  • Forward climate velocity (km/yr, mi/yr) - The ability of species to persist within the benchmark network as measured using the geometric mean forward climate velocity (2041-2070, RCP 8.51) for the network. Lower forward velocities indicate higher refugia potential for species.
  • Backward climate velocity (km/yr, mi/yr) - The ability of species to colonize the benchmark network, as measured using the geometric mean backward climate velocity (2041-2070, RCP 8.51) for the network. Lower backward velocities indicate higher colonization potential.
  • Mean-weighted rank - Network-level mean weighted rank based on climate change datasets.
  • CC rank - Network rank based on mean-weighted rank.

1Representative Concentration Pathway with the highest greenhouse gas emissions from IPCC (2014).

Note: For rank attributes, higher values indicate higher rank.


Map view

Table view (km2)

Table view (mi2)




Each section of the website (e.g., Benchmark Networks, Climate Change, Caribou) consists of multiple tabs:

Instructions: This section.

Attributes: Description of datasets depicted in the Map view and attributes listed in the Table view.

Map view: The Map View tab includes ecoregion (black outline) and HUC8/FDA (blue outline) boundaries, existing protected areas, and top ranked benchmark networks. In addition, depending on the section, a number of raster layers (described in Attributes tab) are also included representing biophysical attributes, climate change, or focal species. In the case of transboundary ecoregions, the coverage of some focal species datasets may be restricted to one country or province.

Table view: Depending on the section, the Table view tab provides a tabular summary of each network in terms of i) benchmark properties, ii) climate change attributes, or iii) focal species attributes (area and ranks).

Note 1: The order of networks in the Map and Table views are linked but vary by section depending on the “rank” column in the Table view.

Note 2: All rasters displayed in the maps have been resampled to a coarser resolution to facilitate online viewing.

*This website is best viewed with a minimum 1920x1080 screen resolution.


Benchmark networks were ranked based on the amount of focal species habitat they capture. When multiple datasets were used for a species, networks were ranked using the mean of weighted ranks from across datasets. Focal Species Rank is a network-level mean weighted rank across all species. View full report.

Map View - Rasters:
  • Herd ranges* - Caribou herd ranges (click on polygon to see the name of the herd).
  • AK habitat* - Potential caribou habitat in Alaska.
  • Calving occupied* - High-quality forage within potential habitat during the calving season within herd ranges.
  • Calving unoccupied - High-quality forage within potential habitat during the calving season outside herd ranges.
  • Summer occupied* - High-quality forage within potential habitat during summer within herd ranges.
  • Summer unoccupied - High-quality forage within potential habitat during the calving season outside herd ranges.
  • Winter occupied* - High-quality forage within potential habitat during winter within herd ranges.
  • Winter unoccupied - High-quality forage within potential habitat during winter outside herd ranges.

*Datasets used to calculate network-level mean weighted ranks.

Table View - Attributes:
  • Net ID - Top networks ordered by Mean-weighted Rank.
  • Area (km2, mi2) - Area of network in km2.
  • Herd ranges (km2, mi2) - Area of caribou herd ranges.
  • Herd ranges (rank) - Rank based on caribou herd ranges.
  • AK habitat (km2, mi2) - Area of potential caribou habitat in the network.
  • AK habitat (rank) - Rank based on caribou habitat in Alaska.
  • Calving occupied (km2, mi2) - Area of high-quality calving forage within herd ranges within the network.
  • Calving occupied (rank) - Rank based on occupied calving habitat.
  • Calving unoccupied (km2, mi2) - Area of high-quality calving forage outside herd ranges within the network.
  • Calving unoccupied (rank) - Rank based on unoccupied calving habitat
  • Summer occupied (km2, mi2) - Area of high-quality summer forage within herd ranges within the network.
  • Summer occupied (rank) - Rank based on occupied summer habitat.
  • Summer unoccupied (km2, mi2) - Area of high-quality summer forage outside herd ranges within the network.
  • Summer unoccupied (rank) - Rank based on unoccupied summer habitat.
  • Winter occupied (km2, mi2) - Area of high-quality winter forage within herd ranges within the network.
  • Winter occupied (rank) - Rank based on occupied winter habitat.
  • Winter unoccupied (km2, mi2) - Area of high-quality winter forage outside herd ranges within the network.
  • Winter unoccupied (rank) - Rank based on unoccupied winter habitat.
  • Mean weighted rank - Network-level mean weighted rank based on “*" caribou datasets.
  • Caribou rank - Network rank based on caribou datasets.

Note: For rank attributes, higher values indicate higher rank.


Map view

Table view (km2)

Table view (mi2)




Each section of the website (e.g., Benchmark Networks, Climate Change, Caribou) consists of multiple tabs:

Instructions: This section.

Attributes: Description of datasets depicted in the Map view and attributes listed in the Table view.

Map view: The Map View tab includes ecoregion (black outline) and HUC8/FDA (blue outline) boundaries, existing protected areas, and top ranked benchmark networks. In addition, depending on the section, a number of raster layers (described in Attributes tab) are also included representing biophysical attributes, climate change, or focal species. In the case of transboundary ecoregions, the coverage of some focal species datasets may be restricted to one country or province.

Table view: Depending on the section, the Table view tab provides a tabular summary of each network in terms of i) benchmark properties, ii) climate change attributes, or iii) focal species attributes (area and ranks).

Note 1: The order of networks in the Map and Table views are linked but vary by section depending on the “rank” column in the Table view.

Note 2: All rasters displayed in the maps have been resampled to a coarser resolution to facilitate online viewing.

*This website is best viewed with a minimum 1920x1080 screen resolution.


Benchmark networks were ranked based on the amount of focal species habitat they capture. When multiple datasets were used for a species, networks were ranked using the mean of weighted ranks from across datasets. Focal Species Rank is a network-level mean weighted rank across all species. View full report.

Map View - Rasters:
  • AK Habitat* - Potential Dall Sheep habitat in Alaska
  • Alpine grass* - Distribution of alpine grasslands within Dall Sheep range

*Datasets used to calculate network-level mean weighted ranks.

Table View - Attributes:
  • Net ID - Top networks ordered by Mean-weighted Rank
  • Area (km2, mi2) - Area of network in km2, mi2
  • AK habitat (km2, mi2) - Area of sheep habitat in Alaska
  • AK habitat (rank) - Rank based on sheep habitat
  • Alpine grass (km2, mi2) - Area of alpine grass habitat
  • Alpine grass (rank) - Rank based on alpine grass habitat
  • Mean-weighted rank - Network-level mean weighted rank based on sheep datasets
  • Sheep rank - Network rank based on sheep datasets

Note: For rank attributes, higher values indicate higher rank.


Map view

Table view (km2)

Table view (mi2)




Each section of the website (e.g., Benchmark Networks, Climate Change, Caribou) consists of multiple tabs:

Instructions: This section.

Attributes: Description of datasets depicted in the Map view and attributes listed in the Table view.

Map view: The Map View tab includes ecoregion (black outline) and HUC8/FDA (blue outline) boundaries, existing protected areas, and top ranked benchmark networks. In addition, depending on the section, a number of raster layers (described in Attributes tab) are also included representing biophysical attributes, climate change, or focal species. In the case of transboundary ecoregions, the coverage of some focal species datasets may be restricted to one country or province.

Table view: Depending on the section, the Table view tab provides a tabular summary of each network in terms of i) benchmark properties, ii) climate change attributes, or iii) focal species attributes (area and ranks).

Note 1: The order of networks in the Map and Table views are linked but vary by section depending on the “rank” column in the Table view.

Note 2: All rasters displayed in the maps have been resampled to a coarser resolution to facilitate online viewing.

*This website is best viewed with a minimum 1920x1080 screen resolution.


Benchmark networks were ranked based on the amount of focal species habitat they capture. When multiple datasets were used for a species, networks were ranked using the mean of weighted ranks from across datasets. Focal Species Rank is a network-level mean weighted rank across all species. View full report.

Map View - Rasters:
  • Habitat* - High-quality habitat for Moose across the NWBLCC defined by intact areas of shrub and deciduous MODIS vegetation classes.
  • AK Habitat* - Potential Moose habitat in Alaska

*Datasets used to calculate network-level mean weighted ranks.

Table View - Attributes:
  • Net ID - Top networks ordered by Mean-weighted Rank
  • Area (km2, mi2) - Area of network in km2, mi2
  • Habitat (km2, mi2) - Area of high-quality moose habitat in the network
  • Habitat (rank) - Rank based on moose habitat
  • AK habitat (km2, mi2) - Area of potential moose habitat in the network
  • AK habitat (rank) - Rank based on AK moose habitat
  • Mean-weighted rank - Network-level mean weighted rank based on moose datasets
  • Moose rank - Network rank based on moose datasets

Note: For rank attributes, higher values indicate higher rank.


Map view

Table view (km2)

Table view (mi2)




Each section of the website (e.g., Benchmark Networks, Climate Change, Caribou) consists of multiple tabs:

Instructions: This section.

Attributes: Description of datasets depicted in the Map view and attributes listed in the Table view.

Map view: The Map View tab includes ecoregion (black outline) and HUC8/FDA (blue outline) boundaries, existing protected areas, and top ranked benchmark networks. In addition, depending on the section, a number of raster layers (described in Attributes tab) are also included representing biophysical attributes, climate change, or focal species. In the case of transboundary ecoregions, the coverage of some focal species datasets may be restricted to one country or province.

Table view: Depending on the section, the Table view tab provides a tabular summary of each network in terms of i) benchmark properties, ii) climate change attributes, or iii) focal species attributes (area and ranks).

Note 1: The order of networks in the Map and Table views are linked but vary by section depending on the “rank” column in the Table view.

Note 2: All rasters displayed in the maps have been resampled to a coarser resolution to facilitate online viewing.

*This website is best viewed with a minimum 1920x1080 screen resolution.


Benchmark networks were ranked based on the amount of focal species habitat they capture. When multiple datasets were used for a species, networks were ranked using the mean of weighted ranks from across datasets. Focal Species Rank is a network-level mean weighted rank across all species. View full report.

Map View - Rasters:
  • AK habitat* - Potential Beaver habitat in Alaska

*Datasets used for ranking

Table View - Attributes:
  • Net ID - Top networks ordered by Mean-weighted Rank
  • Area (km2, mi2) - Area of network in km2, mi2.
  • AK habitat (km2, mi2) - Area of potential beaver habitat in the network.
  • AK habitat (rank) - Rank based on beaver habitat
  • Mean-weighted rank - Network-level mean weighted rank based on beaver datasets.
  • Beaver rank - Network rank based on beaver datasets.

Note: For rank attributes, higher values indicate higher rank.


Map view

Table view (km2)

Table view (mi2)




Each section of the website (e.g., Benchmark Networks, Climate Change, Caribou) consists of multiple tabs:

Instructions: This section.

Attributes: Description of datasets depicted in the Map view and attributes listed in the Table view.

Map view: The Map View tab includes ecoregion (black outline) and HUC8/FDA (blue outline) boundaries, existing protected areas, and top ranked benchmark networks. In addition, depending on the section, a number of raster layers (described in Attributes tab) are also included representing biophysical attributes, climate change, or focal species. In the case of transboundary ecoregions, the coverage of some focal species datasets may be restricted to one country or province.

Table view: Depending on the section, the Table view tab provides a tabular summary of each network in terms of i) benchmark properties, ii) climate change attributes, or iii) focal species attributes (area and ranks).

Note 1: The order of networks in the Map and Table views are linked but vary by section depending on the “rank” column in the Table view.

Note 2: All rasters displayed in the maps have been resampled to a coarser resolution to facilitate online viewing.

*This website is best viewed with a minimum 1920x1080 screen resolution.


Benchmark networks were ranked based on the amount of focal species habitat they capture. When multiple datasets were used for a species, networks were ranked using the mean of weighted ranks from across datasets. Focal Species Rank is a network-level mean weighted rank across all species. View full report.

Map View - Rasters:
  • AK Presence* - Streams occupied by Chinook Salmon in Alaska
  • AK Rearing* - Chinook Salmon rearing streams in Alaska
  • AK Spawning* - Chinook Salmon rearing streams in Alaska

*Datasets used for ranking

Table View - Attributes:
  • Net ID - Top networks ordered by Mean-weighted Rank
  • Area (km2, mi2) - Area of network in km2, mi2
  • AK presence (km2, mi2) - Presence of Chinook in Alaska
  • AK presence (rank) - Rank based on presence of Chinook in Alaska
  • AK rearing (km2, mi2) - Area of rearing habitat in Alaska
  • AK rearing (rank) - Rank based on rearing habitat in Alaska
  • AK spawning (km2, mi2) - Area of spawning habitat in Alaska
  • AK spawning (rank) - Rank based on spawning habitat in Alaska
  • Mean-weighted rank - Network-level mean weighted rank based on Chinook datasets
  • Chinook rank - Network rank based on chinook datasets

Note 1: For rank attributes, higher values indicate higher rank.

Note 2: The original chinook shapefiles were converted to 60-m rasters prior to the analysis and, consequently, results are presented in km2 and mi2 rather than km and mi.


Map view

Table view (km2)

Table view (mi2)




Each section of the website (e.g., Benchmark Networks, Climate Change, Caribou) consists of multiple tabs:

Instructions: This section.

Attributes: Description of datasets depicted in the Map view and attributes listed in the Table view.

Map view: The Map View tab includes ecoregion (black outline) and HUC8/FDA (blue outline) boundaries, existing protected areas, and top ranked benchmark networks. In addition, depending on the section, a number of raster layers (described in Attributes tab) are also included representing biophysical attributes, climate change, or focal species. In the case of transboundary ecoregions, the coverage of some focal species datasets may be restricted to one country or province.

Table view: Depending on the section, the Table view tab provides a tabular summary of each network in terms of i) benchmark properties, ii) climate change attributes, or iii) focal species attributes (area and ranks).

Note 1: The order of networks in the Map and Table views are linked but vary by section depending on the “rank” column in the Table view.

Note 2: All rasters displayed in the maps have been resampled to a coarser resolution to facilitate online viewing.

*This website is best viewed with a minimum 1920x1080 screen resolution.


Benchmark networks were ranked based on the amount of focal species habitat they capture or, in the case of density, the number of pairs/km2. When multiple datasets were used for a species, networks were ranked using the mean of weighted ranks from across datasets. Focal Species Rank is a network-level mean weighted rank across all species. View full report.

Map View - Rasters:
  • LESC AK habitat* - Potential Lesser Scaup habitat in Alaska
  • TRUS AK habitat* - Potential Trumpeter habitat in Alaska
  • WWSC AK habitat* - Potential White-winged Scoter habitat in Alaska

*Datasets used to calculate network-level mean weighted ranks.

Table View - Attributes:
  • Net ID - Top networks ordered by Mean-weighted Rank
  • Area (km2, mi2) - Area of network in km2, mi2
  • LESC AK habitat (km2, mi2) - Area of Lesser Scaup habitat in Alaska
  • LESC AK habitat (rank) - Rank based on Lesser Scaup habitat
  • TRUS AK habitat (km2, mi2) - Area of Trumpeter Swan habitat in Alaska
  • TRUS AK habitat (rank) - Rank based on Trumpeter Swan habitat
  • WWSC AK habitat (km2, mi2) - Area of White-winged Scoter habitat in Alaska
  • WWSC AK habitat (rank) - Rank based on White-winged Scoter habitat
  • Mean-weighted rank - Network-level mean weighted rank based on Trumpeter Swan datasets
  • Waterfowl rank - Network rank based on waterfowl datasets

Note: For rank attributes, higher values indicate higher rank.


Map view

Table view (km2)

Table view (mi2)

Rusty Blackbird



Each section of the website (e.g., Benchmark Networks, Climate Change, Caribou) consists of multiple tabs:

Instructions: This section.

Attributes: Description of datasets depicted in the Map view and attributes listed in the Table view.

Map view: The Map View tab includes ecoregion (black outline) and HUC8/FDA (blue outline) boundaries, existing protected areas, and top ranked benchmark networks. In addition, depending on the section, a number of raster layers (described in Attributes tab) are also included representing biophysical attributes, climate change, or focal species. In the case of transboundary ecoregions, the coverage of some focal species datasets may be restricted to one country or province.

Table view: Depending on the section, the Table view tab provides a tabular summary of each network in terms of i) benchmark properties, ii) climate change attributes, or iii) focal species attributes (area and ranks).

Note 1: The order of networks in the Map and Table views are linked but vary by section depending on the “rank” column in the Table view.

Note 2: All rasters displayed in the maps have been resampled to a coarser resolution to facilitate online viewing.

*This website is best viewed with a minimum 1920x1080 screen resolution.


Benchmark networks were ranked based on the amount of focal species habitat or refugia they capture. When multiple datasets were used for a species, networks were ranked using the mean of weighted ranks from across datasets. Focal Species Rank is a network-level mean weighted rank across all species. View full report.

Map View - Rasters:
  • Current core habitat* - Rusty Blackbird current core habitat
  • Insitu refugia 2050* - Rusty blackbird mean potential in situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.
  • Exsitu refugia 2050* - Rusty blackbird mean potential ex situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.

*Datasets used for ranking

Table View - Attributes:
  • Net ID - Top networks ordered by Mean-weighted Rank
  • Area (km2, mi2) - Area of network in km2, mi2
  • Current core habitat (km2, mi2) - Rusty blackbird current core habitat
  • Current core habitat (rank) - Rusty blackbird current core habitat
  • Insitu refugia 2050 - Rusty blackbird mean potential in situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.
  • Insitu refugia 2050 (rank) - Rusty blackbird mean potential in situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.
  • Exsitu refugia 2050 - Rusty blackbird mean potential ex situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.
  • Exsitu refugia 2050 (rank) - Rusty blackbird mean potential ex situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.
  • Mean-weighted rank - Network-level mean weighted rank based on Rusty Blackbird datasets
  • RUBL rank - Network rank based on Rusty blackbird datasets

Note: For rank attributes, higher values indicate higher rank.

1 Representative Concentration Pathway with the highest greenhouse gas emissions from IPCC (2014).


Map view

Table view (km2)

Table view (mi2)

Forest Birds



Each section of the website (e.g., Benchmark Networks, Climate Change, Caribou) consists of multiple tabs:

Instructions: This section.

Attributes: Description of datasets depicted in the Map view and attributes listed in the Table view.

Map view: The Map View tab includes ecoregion (black outline) and HUC8/FDA (blue outline) boundaries, existing protected areas, and top ranked benchmark networks. In addition, depending on the section, a number of raster layers (described in Attributes tab) are also included representing biophysical attributes, climate change, or focal species. In the case of transboundary ecoregions, the coverage of some focal species datasets may be restricted to one country or province.

Table view: Depending on the section, the Table view tab provides a tabular summary of each network in terms of i) benchmark properties, ii) climate change attributes, or iii) focal species attributes (area and ranks).

Note 1: The order of networks in the Map and Table views are linked but vary by section depending on the “rank” column in the Table view.

Note 2: All rasters displayed in the maps have been resampled to a coarser resolution to facilitate online viewing.

*This website is best viewed with a minimum 1920x1080 screen resolution.


Benchmark networks were ranked based on the amount of focal species habitat or refugia they capture. When multiple datasets were used for a species, networks were ranked using the mean of weighted ranks from across datasets. Focal Species Rank is a network-level mean weighted rank across all species. View full report. Bird codes:

  • BOCH - Boreal Chickadee
  • BRCR - Brown Creeper
  • PIGR - Pine Grosbeak
  • SWTH - Swainson’s Thrush
  • WWCR - White-winged Crossbill
Map View - Rasters:
  • Current core habitat* - Old-forest bird current core habitat
  • Insitu refugia 2050* - Old-forest bird mean potential in situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.
  • Exsitu refugia 2050* - Old-forest bird mean potential ex situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.

*Datasets used for ranking

Table View - Attributes:
  • Net ID - Top networks ordered by Mean-weighted Rank
  • Area (km2, mi2) - Area of network in km2, mi2
  • Current core habitat (km2, mi2) - Old forest bird current core habitat
  • Current core habitat (rank) - Old forest bird current core habitat
  • Insitu refugia 2050 - Old-forest bird mean potential in situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.
  • Insitu refugia 2050 (rank) - Old-forest bird mean potential in situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.
  • Exsitu refugia 2050 - Old-forest bird mean potential ex situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.
  • Exsitu refugia 2050 (rank) - Old-forest bird mean potential ex situ climate refugia (2041-2070, RCP 8.51); 1 = high potential, 0 = low potential.
  • Mean-weighted rank - Network-level mean weighted rank based on old forest birds datasets
  • Forest birds rank - Network rank based on forest birds datasets

Note: For rank attributes, higher values indicate higher rank.

1 Representative Concentration Pathway with the highest greenhouse gas emissions from IPCC (2014).


Map view

Map view (Refugia)

Table view (km2)

Table view (mi2)